Looking for a House in Multiple Occupation Planning Permission?

Our planners and architects can help!

House in Multiple Occupation Planning Permission

If you are thinking about a house in multiple occupancy (HMO) you are probably wondering do I need planning permission?

A House in Multiple Occupation also known as HMO, can often be considered permitted development, meaning it does not require an application for planning permission. However, this is only provided it meets all the necessary criteria and there are no constraints that restrict or remove permitted development rights.

Changing a property into an HMO can be very complex and may require planning permission for a change of use class, depending on factors such as its current use class and how many occupants will live there.

HMO’s can be very profitable and make an attractive investment opportunity for property developers. Unfortunately, the advice you get from an estate agent who is eager to sell but is not qualified in planning law may not be accurate which could mean an HMO is not feasible.

At Studio Charrette our chartered planning consultants are members of the RTPI so are obliged to give you frank and honest advice. If you are considering an HMO at a specific property we can advise you whether it would be feasible, whether it needs planning permission and any associated costs.

Contact us today if you would like to speak with one of our experts regarding your potential HMO.

Do you need planning permission for your HMO?

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Potential Constraints

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Can you start without first submitting an application?

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How to apply for planning permission for a HMO?

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So, what next?

Studio Charrette can help you and take all of the stress out of this complicated process. Don’t hesitate, contact us now!

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